In case you needed further evidence that higher education is facing challenging times, just take a look at the sessions being offered on the first day of the 2023 Summer Institute sponsored by the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) at the University of Vermont in July.
9:00 am — Teaching in Texas: How to Modify Your Bandolier to Accommodate Dry-Erase Markers and Laser Pointers
10:00 am — Jokes You Can Safely Tell in Class: “A dean, a provost, and a department chair walk into a bar. No one cares.”
11:00 am — Riding the Coattails of Your School’s Star Point Guard: How the NCAA Transfer Portal Can Deliver You to a New Job
Noon — Lunch (Eagle Mountain Coyote Sliders served with Artisan Kettle Chips)
1:00 pm — Using Anagrams to Covertly Address the Topic of Race in History Courses at Florida’s Public Universities: The ACRE Project
2:00 pm — (Panel Session) Consensual Sex Between Undergraduates: Is It Really OK, Even if It’s Taking Place in the Classroom During Your Lecture?
3:00 pm — Should Profound Stupidity Be Criminalized? Reflections of a Yale Law Professor Who Dated Marjorie Taylor Greene in High School
4:00 pm — (Panel Session) Supporting Non-Binary Students While Opposing Asymmetrical Purple/Green Haircuts: Can a Professor Do Both?
5:00 pm — (Plenary Address) Untangling the Differences Between DEI, DUI, and DWI: The Perspective of Campus Law Enforcement (Evan Treskle, Chief of Police, The Ohio State University)
6:00 pm to Midnight — Maple Syrup Sour Mash Reception on the Quadrangle (BYO Mason Jar and bail money)
The deadline for registration is Friday, June 23rd. Don’t wait until the last minute. This promises to be the most popular AAUP Summer Institute in a decade.