Harvard Government Professor Jorge Domínguez, accused of sexually harassing at least 18 women over a period of four decades, explained to reporters yesterday why he will retire from the University on June 30th:
“Constantly groping females is exhausting, especially when the gropees resist, which, in my experience, they always do. I’ve been harassing women for almost 40 years and, quite frankly, I’m tired. I just don’t have the same level of energy now that I had in my 30’s and 40’s. I’m over 70 years old, and I’m pooped. It’s time to move on. And I’ll be honest, it’s just not fun anymore. The names I’m being called these days — “predator,” “Mr. Hands,” “scum bucket” — well, they are downright hurtful. I don’t see myself in any of those labels. I consider myself to be an ‘Ambassador of Touch’.”
When asked by a reporter what he planned to do in retirement, Domínguez expressed surprise. “You’re kidding, right? You must have heard of Me, Tarzan, the Internet’s premier power-imbalance harassment website. The simulations there are awesome, and it’s only open to Ivy League faculty with tenure. My post-professor days are booked, pal!”
Sorry about that, Stanford and Chicago.